Draught Proof Your Home with Silicone Joint Sealants This Summer

Say no to high energy bills this summer by draught-proofing your home with Joint Sealing Specialists in Sydney . By letting hot air in during summer and cold air in during winter, droughts can have a major impact on your energy consumption. Seal’em Solutions has the perfect solution to make your home resistant to draught. How much can you save by draught-proofing your house? Air leaks can increase your energy bills by up to 25 percent. By using Silicone Joint Sealants to properly weatherproof your home, you can ensure you are comfortable no matter how hot or cold the weather gets. Which areas of your house need weatherproofing? Silicone Joint Sealants should be used around cracks and gaps around doors, windows, skylights and any other joints where air can sneak in or out. Seal’em Solutions is a Joint Sealant Specialist in Sydney who have many years of experience draught-proofing commercial, residential and industrial buildings....